Shipping & Handling

  1. Shipping for orders across India is free.
  2. Pre-paid orders worth Rs 1599 and above are sent by express shipping free of charge. Express shipped orders will reach you within 2-3 days.
  3. Orders are shipped within 12-24 hrs of placing the order, orders are not shipped on Sundays and Public Holidays.
  4. Once you place an order your pair would be delivered within 2-8 days, depending on the delivery address.
  5. You will receive tracking details upon shipping of the order on your WhatsApp number.
  6. Cash on Delivery (COD) is available at a nominal rate of Rs 50 per order to help us cover logistics cost imposed by the courier service.
  7. Cancellations or change of address requests are only accepted if the request is made within 2 hours of placing the order. In case of a cancellation (or address change) after dispatch, we will deduct Rs.200 as onward and reverse shipping charge, from the refund/exchange value.
  8. Though we use some of India's largest logistics companies for shipping, we are bound in coverage by their reach.In case your address is in a location not served by them we would contact you to do our best to find an alternative solution to make your order reach you.

We're continuously striving to get your products to you sooner, however, in some unforeseen circumstances it may take a bit longer. In this case, we'll notify you of this delay immediately.

Please note - During Festivals or adverse weather conditions, shipments could be delayed. We however will try our best to deliver your parcels in good time.